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Inversión Responsable

At Portobello Capital, every decision
responds to the commitment to our
Corporate Social Responsibility Policy.

We incorporate the criteria of social and environmental responsibility, and good governance in the day to day of our organization, our relationship with our employees, investors, partners, suppliers and, ultimately, to society.

Responsible Investment Policy
Portobello Capital's Responsible Investment Policy was created with the commitment to integrate the best responsible investment practices assumed by the company in its management activity and to contribute to the creation of value in society.
Web Disclosures
Disclosure of information on sustainable finance” (art.8 and 9 of the SFDR) Disclosures pursuant to Article 10 of Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 and Articles 25 to 36 of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2022/1288
Sustainability Report
Committed to transparency and continuous accountability. Since 2014 we have been publishing sustainability reports in which we measure our performance, our progress in ESG and the impact of our ecosystem.

We collaborate with
Fundación Integra

NGO dedicated to increase employability
of people at risk of social exclusion and disability

Sustainability in our portfolio

The growing interest of our investors in responsible investment and the incorporation of ESG criteria in portfolio management is a clear indication of the relevance that these aspects have acquired in the current market environment and encourages us even more, if possible, to guarantee their inclusion in the entire investment process.

Since 2014, Portobello has been collecting and analyzing ESG indicators (KPIs) of its investee companies. These indicators allow us to understand how each of the companies is evolving towards a more responsible management and what impact they have on their environment.

Our commitment to the companies in which we participate is to identify the opportunities and risks that this new scenario presents and to provide them with all the help they may need to progressively improve their management of ESG aspects.

The relevance that the ODS have taken in recent years, has led us to focus our own analysis based on these 17 objectives that mark the Agenda 2030 of the United Nations.

We seek to improve the management of the companies in which we invest while guaranteeing transparency with our investors regarding the good or bad (if any) practices of our investees.

Although the key indicators may vary depending on the sector in which each company is located, these are some of those we consider key in our analysis:

Existence of environmental policies
Measures to reduce resource use
Initiatives to mitigate environmental impact

Control of the supply chain
Existence of equality and safety policies in the workplace
Staff training and evaluation

Corporate Governance:
Existence of anti-corruption policies and ethical codes
Composition of the governing bodies
Regulatory compliance and sanctions