Portobello Capital finally assumes Iberzuizas funds management and advise
After fulfilling the necessary administrative procedures, has been completed the actual appointment of the new management and advise of the Funds I and II of Ibersuizas, that will take the new name of Portobello Capital Fund I, LP, Portobello Capital Fund II, LP, Portobello Capital Fund II, FCR, Portobello Fund II SCR, SA and Portobello Equity SCR, SA.
This will definitely close the conflict with the management of those funds, once the investors gave in December its unanimous support to the current team formed by Ramón Cerdeiras, Fernando Chinchurreta, Luis Peñarrocha, Juan Luis Ramirez and Iñigo Sánchez Asiain.
In the past five years, the team that has founded now PORTOBELLO CAPITAL, has originated and completed ten investments, being the most active in the market: Angulas Aguinaga (leading chilled fish products), Maxam (European leader in civil explosives), Festa Fashion (female fashion chain), Stock Uno / Diana (outsourcing for commercial distribution) Laboratorios Indas (Spanish market leader solutions to incontinence and other medical devices), Veinsur (dedicated to the marketing and servicing of commercial vehicles), Hofmann (the national market leader for digital photo albums), Mediterránea de Catering (leader of the hospital catering sector), Mutiasistencia (first supplier in Spain, France and Portugal for outsourcing claims management), and Ice Cream Factory Comakers (leading ice cream producer for brand distribution).
According to Iñigo Sanchez-Asiaín, «Investor’s decision demonstrates the maturity of the sector in Spain and evidence private capital support to teams of independent professionals. Portobello born with a clear vocation for the future, based on the fundamental principle of independence in management, with a cohesive team that relies on full knowledge successfully match the trust given by the Investors. »
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