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Actualidad Economica celebrates 100 Best Financiers of the Year Awards


Actualidad Económica celebrates 100 Best Financiers of the Year Awards


100 Best Financiers of the Year Awards
The magazine Actualidad Económica presented the Awards for the Top 100 Chief Financial Officer in […] an act which celebrates its sixth year and claimed the work of the Chief Financial Officers (CFO), responsible for obtaining credit, getting adequate liquidity and design plans to strengthen the balance sheet of companies.
… A new economic era is beginning in Spain and proceeds to leave behind the recession. Due to the crisis CFOs have become «strategic people for companies, which provide tremendous value and are taken into account in any process.» …
… The figure of the CFO has become particularly relevant in recent years, moving from a back office by a Business Partner, as a person who works closely with the CEO and plays a very important role in major decisions made in companies. For this reason, this ranking of the 100 Best Financial acquires even more value and it has become a basic reference for the sector in just six years.
… The list of winners is made up CFOs Spanish companies of any industry, both quoted and unquoted …

